apply (spray) a thin layer over affected area morning and night for full treatment period (See Warnings).

Where antimicrobial preservatives are added, an assay with suitable limits should be included. The specifications for all dosage forms should include a description of the dosage form including organoleptic properties as well as physico-chemical testing e.g., pH, specific gravity, viscosity, appropriate to the dosage form. Finished product specifications should include tests for identification and an assay with suitable limits for the medicinal ingredient(s) including its components.Note that this list is intended only as a guide and is not necessarily current or all inclusive. Pharmacopoeial standards for formulated antifungal preparations that are contained in Schedule B publications are shown in Appendix I.In the absence of a Schedule B standard for any dosage form, testing must be adequate to demonstrate the product's identity, potency, purity and quality. Where no Schedule B monograph exists for the dosage form, specifications should be similar to those of a comparable compendial dosage form. All ingredient (medicinal and nonmedicinal) and finished product specifications should, as a minimum, meet the standards described in the publications referred to in Schedule B to the Food and Drugs Act, or equivalent standards.